First Chance: Community Colleges Fanlisting

The exact definition of a community college differs from country to country. According to Wikipedia:

In Canada and the United States, a community college, sometimes called a county college, junior college, technical college, or a city college, is an educational institution providing higher education and lower-level tertiary education, granting certificates, diplomas, and Associate's degrees.

In the United Kingdom, community college is a name given to a secondary school, usually offering extended services of some sort, for example by having achieved a status as a technology college or by providing adult education courses.

Community colleges are much more open institutions when it comes to admissions than their baccalaureate counterparts. They also have lower tuition and more preparatory and developmental work available for students, especially those who will go on to pursue a Bachelor's degree.

They are most prevalent in the United States, where almost half of all undergraduate students attend one of almost 2,000 community colleges. In total, 11.6 million students attend American community colleges. According to the American Association of Community Colleges, community college students represent the most diverse segment of the college population in the nation.

This fanlisting celebrates community colleges and the fact that, for many of us, they provide the first chance we have at experiencing and benefiting from higher education.

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